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The installer pack features 12 FLAT sheets of Dynamat Xtreme. Unlike the Bulk back (DYN10455) where the material is folded, this pack features flat sheets of Xtreme, ensuring there are no creases in the material.
Dynamat Xtreme quietens annoying noise and makes for a more comfortable experience. The Dynamat Xtreme Installer Pack is the perfect amount of Dynamat Xtreme for any medium to large sized job. With the installer Pack you get 12 sheets of Dynamat Xtreme to damp vibrations, and get a more enjoyable experience. Install with one of our Dynamat Rollers, and discover the Dynamat difference.
Applications: Dynamat Xtreme can be use on any sheet metal surface or fiberglass. Typical applications include vehicles, boats, automated machinery, industrial machinery, ducts, hoppers, home applicances, computer equipment and more.
Vector Chemisty: The unique VECTOR™ Chemistry of Dynamat increases its ability to convert dynamic motion (noise) into silent energy (a very low-grade heat). No other material utilizes VECTOR™ technology.
Use these handy accessories to help with installation:
DYN10005 - Wooden roller
DYN10007 - Rubber roller
DYN8581 - Gloves
DYN13100R - DynaTape (seal seams, attach wiring and contain unwanted butyl migration)