We always aim to ship any order placed before 12 midday GMT that same day, any orders after this time may be shipped same day however we cannot guarantee this. If it does miss the cut-off it will be shipped the next working day.
Our shipping price will depend on the delivery location, the delivery service, the size of the consignment and the value of the order. Therefore to get an accurate delivery quote it is best to place your order in the basket and allow our system to correctly calculate the cost.
The goods you order will be delivered to the address you give when you place your order. Deliveries can be made up to 6pm and will require a signatory.
Please confirm that you enter your correct and full address when placing your order. You must check the Delivery Address on any acknowledgement or acceptance we provide and notify us without delay of errors or omissions. We reserve the right to charge you for any extra costs arising from changes you make to the Delivery Address after you submit an order.
All items destined for your delivery address will be shipped by a responsible courier. However, it is not possible to choose exactly which carrier we use for your order.
If delivery cannot be made to your address for reasons under our control then we will inform you as soon as possible. Delivery agent may contact you directly if you supply contact details to inform you of your delivery slot – please liaise directly with the courier to rearrange if your proposed delivery date/ time does not suit you.
Every effort will be made to deliver the goods as soon as possible after your order has been accepted. However we will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you through reasonable or unavoidable delay in delivery.
Upon receipt of your order you may be asked to sign for the goods received in good condition. If the package does not appear to be in good condition then please refuse the delivery. If you are unable to check the contents of your delivery at the point of delivery then please sign for the parcel as "UNCHECKED". Failure to do so may affect any warranty claims that you make thereafter.
Where we deliver Products by instalments, each instalment constitutes a separate contract and any defect in any one or more instalments shall not entitle you to repudiate the contract as a whole nor to cancel any subsequent instalment.